The Conspiracy Against the Negroes_FE(2)

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The Conspiracy Against the Negroes_FE(2)
In this video, we continue to examine how the slave master and his slave hunting partners are working to enslave the Negroes and as they say, forever.
The current so called Climate Change which manifested in the slave hunters of old Massacring Negro communities in what was Negroland and West and Central Africa today is also exmined and the history presented. The relationship between Biafra, Ambazonia and the slave trade with the Covid-19 lock down of last year was also examined.
Full video is available on Patreon and at, and among others.
Please note that we did not restrict the full video to Patreon out of a desire to make money but because we observed that the slave hunters flag our videos when the full videos are posted openly.
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For those that have supported us, we say thank you

We do not hold the copyright to these videos but use them based on fair use.

Boisragon, A. M. (1897). The Benin Massacre. Methuen.
Jerome, D. (1901). The Negro Races: a Sociological Study. Vol 1
Adams, T. M. (1788). A Cool Address to the People of England on the Slave Trade. R. Faulder and J. Stockdale.
Fox, W. (1791). An Address to the People of Great Britain: On the Utility of Refraining from the Use of West India Sugar and Rum.;[Eight Lines from Cowper]. M. Gurney, no. 128, Holborn-Hill, C. Forster, no. 41, Poultry, and W. Darton and Company no. 55, Gracechurch-Street..
Harrison, H. H. (1917). The Negro and the Nation. Cosmo-advocate Publishing Company.
Moton, R. R. (1929). What the negro thinks.